Thursday, July 17, 2008

Framework City - the most dangerous place on Earth

A well written framework is a ridiculously powerful tool for simplifying development. It allows a novice programmer to make some nice scripts and a veteran program to hammer out fantastic scripts in short order. A powerful framework practically writes the software itself.

A good PHP framework provides easy to use wrappers for database connectivity, accepting input, rendering output, and authenticating users. A good module class can make the most complex function calls so easy you may forget how complex it really is. There is nothing like developing a fantastic framework to make all of your projects easier to handle.

Except, perhaps...finishing a project.

Welcome to Framework City, the developer hellhole. Here in Framework City, you will be stuffed to the gills with fantastic ideas on upgrading your framework to make it even easier. You'll be so contented with building the ultimate framework, you won't even notice the increasingly annoyed client who wants results, not promises that once you're done with the framework, the site will build itself.

Writing a framework is a never ending task. There is always a better tool to implement, always a new library to implement, always a new way to make your life easier. Developers write frameworks for themselves. Clients paid money for a site for the client. Getting stuck in Framework City is a blissful paradise, but only for the developer who keeps making life easier on himself.

Next time you find yourself wanting to upgrade your framework, keep Framework City in mind. Avoid the pitfalls of getting mired in making better tools, and put the tools you already have to work. You'll find your client is more pleased with the increased results, and you'll be pleased with a less angry client. The framework can always be upgraded between projects. As you do a project, make a list of annoyances with the framework and handle all of them at the end. This also prevents you from doing changes on a whim and later realizing that was a bad idea.

So while frameworks are truly a gift from the gods, they are also a very tempting quagmire where you'll kill your career in perfect bliss.

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